Rivals Script
Rivals Script is a powerful and popular script which is used to get competitive edge and incredible features like Automation in Rivals game of roblox. As the gaming industry has evolved dramatically, this tool has gained massive popularity for its amazing abilities that will enhance your gameplay experience.
In this article, we are going to discuss the rivals script and how you can install it to get an incredible gaming experience. So without wasting any moment, let’s jump into the article.
- What Is Rivals Script?
- Features of Rivals Script
- Benefits Of Using
- All Rivals Scripts (2025)
- Rivals Venoxware Script
- RIVALS The Best Script – Aimbot, ESP, SkinChanger
- Rivals Script No Key – Aimbot
- Rivals Mobile Script Solix Hub – LegitBot, RageBot, ESP
- RIVALS Roblox Script 2025 Ventures – Aim, Rapid Fire, ESP, Spinbot
- RIVALS Game Script 8BIT Silent – ESP, Aimbot,TriggerBot, SkinChanger
- RIVALS Winter – Aimbot, ESP, Gun Mods, Gun SkinChanger
- Azure Mod Pastebin – Aimbot, ESP and More
- Tbao Hub Script Pastebin
- 8Bits Hub Script
- Venox Hub Script
- Lunax Hub Script
- Ventures.lua Script
- Get Script RIVALS Ronix Hub
- RIVALS PinguinRVS – Aimbot, Visuals
- Zypherion Script
- Get Rivals Auto Farm, Auto Fire, Aimbot Script Pastebin
- Rivals The Best Aimbot Script
- Xera Script Mobile Rivals – Aimbot, ESP, Speed
- Get Minimal Hub Rivals Mobile Script
- Get Mobile Script Pi Hub for Rivals
- Get RIVALS Roblox Script
- Script No Key
- How to Run Roblox Rivals Script?
- Frequentely Asked Questions
- Conclusion
What Is Rivals Script?
It is a custom script designed for marvel rivals games on roblox platform. Rivals script comes with amazing features like automation of repetitive tasks, better aiming capabilities, and an optimized user experience. This script will make your progress easier through challenging levels and it will also help you to dominate your competition easily. You’ll receive a competitive edge while improving your gameplay experience.
Features of Rivals Script
Here are some amazing features of rivals script that you should know about:
Automation Tools
The rivals roblox script will automate the mundane tasks like farming resources and levelling up character. This will save you a lot of time that you could invest in enjoying other aspects of the game.
Aimbot And ESP
The aimbot feature will allow you to target enemies automatically through which you can defeat your enemies efficiently. Apart from that, ESP (Extra-Sensory Perception) offers you incredible features like visibility through walls so that none of your opponents remain undetected.
Customizable UI
It has an intuitive and easy to navigate interface so that even beginners can also take its complete benefit. The user interface of rivals script will enable users to tweak settings based on their personal preferences.
Anti-Ban Mechanism
Roblox has very strict policies against the use of scripts and it will ban your account if you get caught while using such scripts. Therefore, the rival script comes with an anti-ban mechanism which makes it difficult for roblox to detect it. This will allow you to use script on your favourite game while remaining undetected.
Speed Hacks
The speed hack feature of Rivals roblox script will enable you to move faster than normal users on the game. It will give you an edge in high-speed combat situations and allow you to move across the map faster.
Auto Reload And Quick Fire
This is the most incredible feature of Rival Scripts which eliminates the requirement of manual reloading so that you don’t miss any of your enemies. After the reloading is done, you’ll be able to rapid fire in combat and it will make you a beast in game.
Resource Management System
It will also help you to manage in-game resources efficiently so that users can utilize their inventory without missing any important item.
Customizable Hotkeys
Yes, you can also assign specific functions to the hotkeys. Convert any key into a hotkey to perform various tasks in the game by single click. This will make your gameplay smoother and more convenient.
Benefits Of Using
Some other benefits of using this script are:
Improved Efficiency
By using this script, you can complete tasks in minutes which usually takes hours. It will be time-saving and allow users to focus on different strategies instead of grinding for hours.
Faster Level Progression
Level up faster than usual players by the help of automated resource gathering and optimized combat functions.
Better Player Coordination
You’ll receive better control and visibility in the games so that teams can coordinate and execute strategies more effectively.
All Rivals Scripts (2025)
Rivals Venoxware Script
Functions: Hit effects, sound hit effects, device spoof server sided, name hide, Rapid Fire, No Recoil, No bullet Spread, gun mods, AC Bypassed, Kill aura.
Venoxware Solara Support: CFrame Fly, CFrame Walk, Walk Before Cooldown Ends, Long Jump, Teleport.
Mobile Executor: – Mobile Aimbot, Rapid Fire (including no spread, no recoil etc), Silent Aim (can hold down fire), Aimbot, Silent Aim (Working in all executors), Hold Aimbot, Aim Body Part, Legit Mode, Silent Aim Hitchance, Triggerbot, Aim Priority, Aimbot Strength/Smoothness, FOV Circle, Wall Check, Dead Check, Team Check, Alive Check.
Farm: Semi Autofarm (Teleport Behind Player/Attach to Player), Auto Kill All / Auto Win ( finally works on solara), Team Check.
Visuals: ESP (Extra Sensory Perception), Box ESP, Tracers, Skeleton ESP, FOV Circle, Team Check, Visual Enhancements, Change Weapon Transparency, ESP Max Distance.
Weapons: Auto Load, Weapon / Skin Changer, Weapon Color Changer, Weapon Material Changer, Weapon Transparency
Miscellaneous: FPS Boost, Staff Detection, Auto Queue Module, Update Log, And More..!
getgenv().NametagNotEnabled = false -- (optional)
RIVALS The Best Script – Aimbot, ESP, SkinChanger
Rivals Script No Key – Aimbot
local replicated_storage = game.GetService(game, "ReplicatedStorage");
local players = game.GetService(game, "Players");
local camera = workspace.CurrentCamera;
local utility = require(replicated_storage.Modules.Utility);
local get_players = function() -- this is dumb asf, feel free to modify.
local entities = {};
for _, child in workspace.GetChildren(workspace) do
if child.FindFirstChildOfClass(child, "Humanoid") then
table.insert(entities, child);
elseif child.Name == "HurtEffect" then
for _, hurt_player in child.GetChildren(child) do
if (hurt_player.ClassName ~= "Highlight") then
table.insert(entities, hurt_player);
return entities
local get_closest_player = function()
local closest, closest_distance = nil, math.huge;
local character = players.LocalPlayer.Character;
if (character == nil) then
for _, player in get_players() do
if (player == players.LocalPlayer) then
if (not player:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")) then
local position, on_screen = camera.WorldToViewportPoint(camera, player.HumanoidRootPart.Position);
if (on_screen == false) then
local center = Vector2.new(camera.ViewportSize.X / 2, camera.ViewportSize.Y / 2);
local distance = (center - Vector2.new(position.X, position.Y)).Magnitude;
if (distance > closest_distance) then
closest = player;
closest_distance = distance;
return closest;
local old = utility.Raycast; utility.Raycast = function(...)
local arguments = {...};
if (#arguments > 0 and arguments[4] == 999) then
local closest = get_closest_player();
if (closest) then
arguments[3] = closest.Head.Position;
return old(table.unpack(arguments));
Rivals Mobile Script Solix Hub – LegitBot, RageBot, ESP
RIVALS Roblox Script 2025 Ventures – Aim, Rapid Fire, ESP, Spinbot
RIVALS Game Script 8BIT Silent – ESP, Aimbot,TriggerBot, SkinChanger
RIVALS Winter – Aimbot, ESP, Gun Mods, Gun SkinChanger
Azure Mod Pastebin – Aimbot, ESP and More
Tbao Hub Script Pastebin
8Bits Hub Script
Venox Hub Script
Lunax Hub Script
Ventures.lua Script
Get Script RIVALS Ronix Hub
RIVALS PinguinRVS – Aimbot, Visuals
Zypherion Script
Get Rivals Auto Farm, Auto Fire, Aimbot Script Pastebin
-- https://discord.gg/M26Zc24Fmb
Rivals The Best Aimbot Script
Xera Script Mobile Rivals – Aimbot, ESP, Speed
Get Minimal Hub Rivals Mobile Script
Get Mobile Script Pi Hub for Rivals
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Get RIVALS Roblox Script
-- https://discord.gg/M26Zc24Fmb
Script No Key
Esp, Aimbot, Silent Aim, Walkspeed, NoClip, Inf Jump, Fly.
How to Run Roblox Rivals Script?
Here is the step-by-step guide how to copy, execute script:
- Download or copy scripts from the official website RivalsScript.org.
- Download the Delta, Fluxus, Krnl, Cryptic, Nebula, or Cubix for Android devices and Xeno, Argon, or Velocity for PC, and Delta iOS, Codex iOS, or Apple Ware for iPhone.
- I’m using Delta which is best so download Delta from the DeltaExploits.com. Click on Android button.

- Now click on 1st button to download APK file.

- After complete download, install it.
- Then log in the Roblox app.

- After that, join game Rivals.

- Now after few seconds you can see Delta dashbaord.
- Now you need to get Key first if you do not have already.
- Click on the receive Key button, a URL will copied automatically.
- Now return to browser and paste the URL.
- After that you can see Continue button after few seconds, click on it.
- Now you can lootlabs tasks click on all tasks.
- After completing all tasks, click on the Unlock Content.
- Now click on the Continue button to generate Key.
- Now you can see Key, click on the Copy button.
- Now return to Roblox app and join Rivals game and add key in Delta dashbaord.
- After that, you can see option add script from the top right in Delta menu, click on it.
- Now add name and script, which you copied from the above, and click on the “Add Key” button.
- After that scroll down and you can see your script click on the execute button.
- After that, you can script dashboard.
- Now you can enjoy scripting Rivals.
- Check out video tutorial below.
Follow these simple above-mentioned steps and use the script in your favorite game. Apart from that, follow some safety precautions to avoid any potential risk:
- Get the script only from a verified source to avoid viruses and malware.
- Don’t use public cheats to avoid the risk of detection
- Make sure to use latest version of script to avoid ban.
Frequentely Asked Questions
Is It Free To Use?
Yes, all script are completely free to use, whereas there are also some premium versions available that offer additional features and better security and it might charge you some amount.
Can these scripts Be Detected?
Yes, while it has an anti-ban mechanism but there are still some chances of detection. So, make sure you are using the latest version of the script to reduce the risk of being detected
Can I Use these scripts On Mobile?
Most versions of this script are designed for PC also but there are some versions you might find that can run on smartphones also.
How Often The Update Is Required?
Update the rivals script regularly to reduce the chances of detection. Regular updates ensure compatibility with latest versions of the games also.
Does Using This Script Will Affect The Performance Of Game?
Most of the scripts are optimized for performance but excessive modifications might lead to crashes and lags. Hence, you are suggested to use a lightweight version of the script which is suitable for your system.
So finally you’re here! Rivals script is an amazing script for the gamers who want to optimize their gameplay experience to a next level. You’ll receive numerous benefits while using the script but make sure to practice caution and ethical gameplay to avoid the risk of detection. No matter whether you are a seasoned player or amateur, if you use this script responsibly then you’ll be able to enhance your overall enjoyment and experience.